Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The 7 Laws of the All

The 7 Principles (theres that "holy" number) or Laws of the All

1.Principle of Mentalism
The Universe is a mental creation. The All (i'm going to use God inplace of the All from here on as it's easier to type out) creates in a mental fashion. He creates by willing into creation, the same way you can will an imagination from nothing. This links both the theory of creation and the big bang together, as they're both true. I'll give you the "single point" of the "big bang theory" in our example. Tree. Now, that word is a noun, it has no descriptive characteristics, it is a single word. Now imagine a tree. The more and more you focus on the tree, the more detailed and perfected it becomes. This links the theory of evolution to creation as well, as God creates mentally, and upon his creation achieving what in His mind is "perfection" through change, it will receed back into His mind. This is why the Bible states that only God knows when the Universe will end, as only He can know when the Universe reaches what God see's as a state of perfection(or multiverse in this case, as the true Universe is The All that the multiverses reside in) God is in all, and all is in God. Now, many of you will say "if the universe is mental, that means nothing is real". Well, you'd be sadly mistaken to take up that opinion, because the Universe is indeed real to YOU, you exist within it. Look at it like this. When you have a dream, it's simply an unconscious imagination, but everything in your dream appears as real as it would in a waking state, you can pick things up, move about, talk to people who in turn respond to your words, etc. Now, in some cases of dreams you can do things such as fly (which is indeed possible but I will not go into that), the saying "nothing is impossible" is indeed true once you comprehend certain things. You obey the laws of your dreams "physics", but upon attaining "lucidity" (connecting to the akasha, God) you can control your dreams, at first just becoming a swimmer in the ocean, where as most are drift wood, being tossed and moved about by the environment they're in, you want to rise above to becoming a ship and then an airplane at complete mastery. As the swimmer ship you can control your actions in the environment (ocean) but the ocean is still more powerful than you, so you are effected by "higher causes", by becoming the ship you have even more control, and the airplane the ocean can only effect you with the highest power of it, a hurricane (God)

2.Principle of Correspondence.
As above, so below, as below, so above. This principle is pretty close to another principle, that of polarity. Everything has something that corresponds to it. Happy/sad, love/hate, fear/courage, etc. And though they seem opposite, they are simply opposite ends of the same thing. This will be elaborated on more in the Principle of Polarity.

3.Principle of Vibration.
This is a well known theory in physics now, that matter doesn't really exist, but rather different vibrations of energies makeup matter. The simplest example to use is ice. Being cold it is at a slow vibration of energy to form ice, allow it to warm up (faster vibration) and it becomes water, speed the vibration up even more and you have steam. 3 seperate states of matter, all the same molecular structure. This goes for emotions as well. Happy is higher vibration, sad is a lower vibration. Courage is high, fear is low, love is high, hate is low, positive is high, negative is low.

4.Principle of Polarity.
The many things that seem absolutely opposite are in fact vibrations of the same thing. As stated above Love is the high end of vibration on the same pole as Hate, being the lower. This is why Hate can be transferred into Love and vice versa. There is also a middle ground on the pole of like and dislike, and an area in the middle so faint that we don't know whether we like or dislike something. The same goes for something physical such as hot and cold, which are simply vibrations of temperature. You can't look at a thermometer and point out where the definite hot begins and cold ends. 32 degrees will be "colder" than 33, but 32 is "hotter" than 31. Also, 90 degrees may seem hot to a humans natural vibrations, but to liquid nitrogen, room temperature is boiling hot, hot enough to speed it's vibrations to a state of gas. Now, there isn't one single pole so to speak, theres a nearly infinite amount of poles for different things, as Courage can't go down the pole of vibration to a state of Hate, nor can happy be lowered to fear. Just as steam cannot have it's vibrations slowed down to a point of becoming dirt. Though certain emotions do compliment each other. God is at the highest pole of vibration, completely unknowable to man in every question (who what where etc.) except for how, as we're finite minded, and God as at an infinite vibration on the positive end of the pole, but also as all poles have their opposite polarity, God is indeed all things, good/evil, happy/sad, etc., but the manifestation of God resides at the positive end of the pole to an infinite level that we cannot know what/why/who/where He is, only how. God is also All, so trying to give him human feelings like jealousy is childish, for if God were jealous it would imply he's missing something, and would not be THE ALL.

Take a wheel for example, at rest a bicycle wheel is completely visible, but upon spinning it faster the higher vibrations of movement in the spokes become almost invisible to the eye. If you continued to spin it even faster it would eventually start to heat up due to the increase in vibration, changing different colors, and science hasn't come this far, but if you continued it would eventually disappear from your site, unable to be "known" by the senses the same way certain types of light can't be see because their waves/vibrations are beyond our physical spectrum of vision. This principle of vibration can also be demonstrated in the sound of the wheel, at rest it has no sound, and as you spin it faster and faster the note of the sound will go higher and higher, until eventually no sound can be heard at all. This is a physical demonstration of why we cannot comprehend anything but the hows of God.

Also it is worth noting that polarity doesn't necessarily go up and down, such our normal perception of a thermometer, but it is rather directionless. The negative polarity of something doesn't necessarily mean it's "less than" in value/worth. Masculine is a higher polarity than Feminine, but it doesn't make one good nor bad (as good/bad are human creations, they do not truly exist, being opposite vibrations of the same thing), it simply ascribes the positive and negative 2 different features due to their vibration. You cannot point out which terminal on a battery is better or worse, though they are positive and negative, but they are both equally necessary to the function of powering electronic devices.

5.Principle of Rhythm.
Everything happens according to rhythm. As the pendelum swings to the right, it will swing back equally to the right. If you experience a state of happiness, you will inevitably (for most) experience a state of sadness equal to that state of happiness. As time does not apply to rhythm, this does not mean if you experience a state of constant happiness for a day, that you will experience a state of constant sadness equal to the happiness for a day, but you will experience a state of sadness equal in force to that of your happiness, whether it's a few hours of very intense sadness, or a couple days of just a moderately "bummed out" feeling. It's a product of cause and effect (our next principle) The Laws/Principles cannot be defied, but rhythm/vibration/polarity can be "counterbalanced" so to speak. We'll use emotions for the example. By raising your natural emotional polarity, it is indeed possible to never feel anger or sadness, by "rising above the pendelum of normal people". If you raise your polarity to a point where calm/normal is your low vibration, then your high vibration will be a state of sheer bliss. This is in fact the "4th dimension" as time doesn't exist in the infinite. various "planes" so to speak. Water is H20 no matter how you cut it, whether its solid ice, liquid, or steam gas. These various states of vibration are in fact the 4th dimension, and the polarities that make up the planes go up and down infinitely (sort of like asking how many points are in the circumference of a circle, the points of a pen will mark a certain amount in a 3"circumference, but atoms would go into the billions of points around that same circle, smaller and smaller units into the infinite amount of points), God being the most infinitely high vibration, a state we cannot comprehend as finite thinkers. Again look to the example of the bicycle wheel.

6. Principle of Cause and Effect
This one can be easily explained in the physical world, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Again this does not exist in a matter of time and space, as God is eternal with no beginning or end (time) and is made up of an infinite universe (space). If you take a ball and drop it, it will not necessarily bounce back up equally to the point it was dropped from or in the same time it took to reach the ground, but it's force through bouncing off the ground and reaching it's height will be equal to the entire force the ball accumulated force in it's descent. This is the Law of Karma as well. Help a friend, and you will be helped. Now as stated this isn't in terms of time and space. If you help a friend move, it doesn't mean someone will help you move, but you may reap some reward whether over time or in the same or another form equal to that of your help, or it may help "counterbalance" negative Karma. The bible states this as "What you sow you shall also reap". This is equally true for bad things, you may rob someone and not necessarily go to jail or be robbed yourself, nor is it Law that you will experience an equally traumatic event (as time/space does not exist in the mental or spirit/mind) whether it is a very short terrible incident, or a prolonged period of "bad luck" or "guilt/depression" etc.

You'll notice also by this vibration that humans are not "given" true free will, though it IS attainable. If you had true free will, you would have no cause to effect you other than God as he is the highest cause. Has anyone ever said something to you while you were happy that "made" you sad or mad instantly? Well, thats a perfect example of how you don't have free will, because if you truly had free will, wouldn't you always be happy? By that person saying something and "causing" you to get mad, you were "effected" by that cause into anger. Also, if you had free will, you could control every aspect of your life (being the highest possible cause and never effected by your surroundings) that wasn't caused by God. This is rather hard to swallow for most, but Fate/Destiny indeed are real, as you are effected by all causes on planes higher than yourself, and you can never have absolute free will, as you remain inside the ALL, on a lower plane, though you may come to reside at a level as near to God's vibration as possible, but God's cause will always effect you.

7. Principle of Gender
There is gender in all things. Now, don't get gender confused with sex, as male and female do not necessarily dictate gender, but rather 2 opposite poles of physical gender, and they have their analogies to the true gender. God is referred to as "Him" because masculine is on a higher vibration of feminine, masculine being the active/will/dominance, and feminine being receptive/submissive. As stated, God wills into existence in a mental fashion, and is the highest cause. God is neither male nor female, as he is all polarities, but residing at the highest vibration of all polarities, and indeed capable of being any vibration he pleases, which is why an All loving God can also condemn to Hell, though Hell is not eternal, more of a "jail sentence" (Christ even states this in a "lost gospel", the Bible actually describes all of these principles in code, as Christianity was an attempt at making the Mysteries into a religion, and was corrupted with theology upon the reign of Constantine). Depending on the duration and severity of your "sin", will depend on your amount/seeming time of suffering in "Hell", though Hell exists in the Akasha so it is timeless and spaceless.

But that's another teaching all together, the sins do in fact have quite a good reason for being as they are, but I'll go into that another time.

You'll notice I didn't give any "spiritual" examples. Well my friends, VERY few people can even comprehend what the spirit is as they're Mind is clouded by the soul (mental) and the body, totally denying what makes them "in gods image". How do you explain color to a blind man, or music to the deaf, or the taste of sugar to someone whose never tasted anything sweet. Also the spirit is not of physical elements, and language conveys only descriptions of the physical/mental. The emotions are caused by the mental part of you.

Oh, and for more in depth explanation, read this, an explanation of The Kybalion, it goes back to VERY ancient Egypt, and those who held the Mysteries understood every major theory in physics today, except perhaps not the mathematical calculations of them. It explains the Laws/Principles in much better detail, this was just a general overview to get you acquainted.

1 comment:

  1. So "God" is the manifestation of everything that exists?
